The 3 P’s: Pause, pivot and proceed.

Now knowing how important your present thoughts and feelings are - it is equally important to know what to do when you have a negative thought or unpleasant feeling, which I have coined the 3 P’s. Pause. Pivot. Proceed. First, congratulate yourself on noticing that you are feeling ‘off’. Then the second thing is to understand that when you have a negative thought, that it is your inner guide telling you that you are not approaching the subject with the correct tone, which leads us to PAUSE. Pausing allows us time to realign with our self and our inner spirit. Give yourself some Grace. We tend to show more Grace towards others than we do to ourselves. Once you have taken a minute or two to realign, PIVOT. You may not know which way to pivot at first. One thing to understand is that the soul will guide and the ego will drive (another phrase I coined and find very helpful). Your inner spirit always allows for free will and will never push you in one direction or another. You have to quiet the mind (ego) to really ‘hear’ your inner spirit. So if you find yourself pivoting and proceeding, and it not working out - just start over. Again, give yourself Grace. Pause for a moment, Pivot in yet a new direction or thougtht process, and proceed again. The key is to continue to be present to know if the new direction feels good, and to know that there is no right or wrong way - just forward!