Book recommendations.

Every book I have read on my 3 year journey is listed below, in the order I have read each book. I have starred my favorites, but I would recommend each and every one of them! I may have only learned one small thing from a book, but when compiled - it adds up to a lifetime of valuable information. Currently, there are approximately 50 books in my library, if they are not all listed at this time, I will keep adding until the list is complete. In addition, I probably read a book every few weeks and I will continue to add those as well - stay tuned.

Each book is linked to Amazon for seamless purchasing, as as Amazon Affiliate, I do receive a small amount of commission for each purchase; however the real value is for you, the reader, and the vast amount of insight you will gain from the cumulation of these books.

** The Power of Now **

by Eckhart Tolle

Waking Up In 5D

by Maureen St. Germain

The Purpose of Your Life

by Carol Adrienne

The Greatest Secret

by Rhonda Byrne

** Happiness is Free **

by Lester Levenson

A New Earth

by Eckhart Tolle

The Abundance Book

by John Randolph

** Infinite Possibilities **

by Mike Dooley

More books added every week until all 50 are added. Check back often!